Grimoire - Script Manager

Main Window

New Script - go to 'New Script' window.
Reload - reload all script, every script set to 'run on start' will execute, and timers will reset.
Vault - go to 'Vault' window.
Settings - go to 'Settings' window.
About - show about information.
Script List:
  • List of scripts separated by group.
  • Click to open 'Script Visualization' window.
  • Double-click to execute the script.
  • Script state icon on the right.
    • status Success.
    • status Warning.
    • status Error.
    • status Executing.

Script Visualization

Script last execution status.
  • status Success.
  • status Warning.
  • status Error.
  • status Executing.
Remove script.
Open 'Script Edit' window.
Execute script.
Last execution results:
  • Result - Filtered information level log.
  • Warnings - Warning level log.
  • Errors - Error level log.

Script Add/Edit

  • Script Name:
    • Script unique identifier.
    • Spaces will be replaced by an underscore '_'.
  • Display Name:
    • Display name on the list and Detail window
  • Script Group:
    • Script group name on the list.
  • Groups:
    • Existing groups list.
    • Fill the 'Script Group' field when selected.
  • Success Pattern:
    • Regular Expression.
    • Search this pattern on the result to determine the success.
    • If empty the success will be set by the nonexistence of Errors
  • Result Filter:
    • Regular Expression.
    • Determine the start and the end of the result to be displayed.
  • Alert Level:
    • Error - Set the alert level to error if script not success.
    • Warning - Set the alert level to warning if script not success.
    • Silent - Do nothing if script not success.
  • Run mode:
    • Manual - Runs manually by double clicking on the list or by 'Play' command on detail window.
    • Run on Start* - Runs when the application starts or clicking the 'Reload' command.
    • Interval* - Execute periodically by interval determined on the 'Interval' field.
    * Can be started manually by double clicking on the list or by 'Play' command on script visualization window.
  • Timeout:
    • Script execution timeout in seconds.
  • Interval:
    • Execution interval in seconds.
    • Visible when Interval execution mode is selected.
  • Script - Main script file.
    • Any Script file that can be executed on PowerShell.
    • Can have any extension, only the content is considered.
    • Vault value interpolation: '{{Key}}' if not exists, the key will be added to the 'Vault' if not exists.
    • Input interpolation: '[[name]]' When the script its executed the user will be prompted to enter the values.
    • Input password interpolation: '[[name*]]' The input will be masked adding an '*' to the end of the name.
    • Obs.: Input prompts will only been shown on manual execution, and will be ignored 'interval' and 'run on start' modes.
  • Additional Files - Any other required files.
    • Can be any other script or non-script files necessary for the main script execution.
  • Save - Save Script.
    • It will save the script and reload the list.


  • Set or change the Pin to secure the Vault.
  • The Pin it's used to encrypt the Vault.
  • If not set the Vault secrets will be encrypted with a default key.
  • when set the Pin will be requested to start the application (see Pin).
New Vault item:
  • Key
    • Must be unique.
    • Every interpolation {{Key}} on the scripts containing this key will be replaced by the 'Value'.
  • Value
    • Value stored under the key.
  • Masked
    • If value appear masked on the list.
Example script with interpolation:
    Write-Host "Begin"
    write-host "Example script:"
    write-host "Loop:"
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        Write-Host $"Iteration: $($i)"
    write-host "-"
    Write-Host "Interpolation: {{ExampleKey}}"
    Write-Warning "Example Warning"
    Write-Error "Example Error"
    Write-Host "End"
Vault list:
  • Value
    • Value stored on the Vault under this key.
  • save
    • Saves modifications on the item.
  • remove
    • Remove Vault item.


  • The Pin popup it's shown at startup when the Pin it's set on the 'Vault Edit'.
  • The script will start only when the correct pin it's provided.
Reset Vault:
  • When a wrong Pin it's provided, the reset Vault option will be shown.
  • To reset the Vault, check the option and then click on the '!' command.
  • When the Vault resets all the values are cleared but the structure(Keys) is preserved.


  • Theme:
    • Dark (Default)
    • Light
  • Groups:
    • Show script groups on the list.